Monthly Archives: March 2014

Walt Whitman

    1) Choose 10 interesting facts about Whitman and post them on your blog.

1. Whitman’s novel Franklin Evans sold more copies during his lifetime than any of his other books.

2. In 1847, Whitman reviewed Omoo, an early novel by a young writer named Herman Melville, who later wrote Moby Dick.

3. Ralph Waldo Emerson thought Leaves of Grass was genius; however, for later editions he told Whitman to cut out parts he thought were too sexy, Whitman refused.

4. The writer Henry James wrote a scathing review of Drum-Taps, Whitman’s 1865 collection of Civil War poems.

5. Whitman wrote several shamelessly glowing reviews of his own work.

6. An English fan of Whitman’s, named Anne Gilchrist, sailed to America with the intention of marrying Walt Whitman and having his baby.

7. As rumors circulated of Whitman’s failing health in 1889, a local cemetery owner in New Jersey contacted the dying poet and asked him to write a poem about the cemetery that they could use in their advertisements.

8. He was bisexual

9. Father: Walter Whitman Sr. (1789-1855)
Mother: Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (1795-1873) 

10. He had 5 brothers and 2 sisters.

    2 ) Name a contemporary writer or artist influenced by Whitman.

-Emily  Dickenson , The Civil War, The Assassination of Lincoln , and Whitman’s work as a nurse. 





my favorite song by elena bartolome

I like a lot of music artists like the beatles, vampire weekend, christal fighters, lilly allen, bob marley, mgmt, but specially my favorite music band Noah and the whale. My favorite song is is 5 years time by noah and the whale.

 It has some rhymes like:

  • Oh well in five years time we could be walking round a zoo

With the sun shining down over me and you

  •  And there’ll be love in the bodies of the elephants too

 And I’ll put my hands over your eyes, but you’ll peep through


  • ‘cause i’ll be laughing around your silly little jokes
  •  And we’ll be laughing about how we use to smoke.


They repeat some alot of words in the corus  like fun, love, and sun. like for example:      


  And there’ll be sun, sun, sun

  •         All over our bodys.

                       And sun, sun, sun

                       I’ll die in next

                      There’ll be sun, sun, sun

                      All over our faces

                      And sun, sun, sun

                      So, what the hell


To me this song means a lot like I could sing it to my friens or sister or someone else and it has a meaning for everyone. Its about how im going to be with a person that right now could be my best friend or  someone else in the future and maybe we could be remembering these time or things we did together and more. And also how we  might be maybe still being best friend, or only friends, or just stay out of touche or even become strangers to each other. These could describe happiness between friends and good memories. I love how they can tell how fun was when they were that close and happy friends.

For last the rhymes and repetition of these song makes some meaning remembering how the singer fell in love for the one that is with him in the song. In which he tells her how in love he is with her and that maybe in 5 years time they could be something