Walt Whitman

    1) Choose 10 interesting facts about Whitman and post them on your blog.

1. Whitman’s novel Franklin Evans sold more copies during his lifetime than any of his other books.

2. In 1847, Whitman reviewed Omoo, an early novel by a young writer named Herman Melville, who later wrote Moby Dick.

3. Ralph Waldo Emerson thought Leaves of Grass was genius; however, for later editions he told Whitman to cut out parts he thought were too sexy, Whitman refused.

4. The writer Henry James wrote a scathing review of Drum-Taps, Whitman’s 1865 collection of Civil War poems.

5. Whitman wrote several shamelessly glowing reviews of his own work.

6. An English fan of Whitman’s, named Anne Gilchrist, sailed to America with the intention of marrying Walt Whitman and having his baby.

7. As rumors circulated of Whitman’s failing health in 1889, a local cemetery owner in New Jersey contacted the dying poet and asked him to write a poem about the cemetery that they could use in their advertisements.

8. He was bisexual

9. Father: Walter Whitman Sr. (1789-1855)
Mother: Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (1795-1873) 

10. He had 5 brothers and 2 sisters.

    2 ) Name a contemporary writer or artist influenced by Whitman.

-Emily  Dickenson , The Civil War, The Assassination of Lincoln , and Whitman’s work as a nurse. 





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